So some of us didn't yet have the chance to visit the land after it was cleared.
Hopefully, these pictures can give you a glimpse of what you are missing out on.
(TIP: You can click on the pictures to open a full screen slideshow.)
We start our journey at the corner of Trinity and American Blvd.
Turning around, we begin our trek as we glance uphill from Trinity Blvd.
A close up of a thorny bramble that grows around the property. Similar plant is used to make the crown of thorns put on our Lord during his passion. Look at how big and sharp those thorns are.
Looking down from top of the east hilly area, towards Trinity Blvd.
We continue our journey towards the "Jordan River", walking along the eastern bank. We'll continue to walk up north, following the river, towards Pipeline Drive.
Here is the north side of the property, facing Pipeline Drive.
From this point on, we'll turn around and walk back along the river.
The south end of the river, the sewer tunnel flowing under Trinity Blvd.
Going back uphill, towards the east side of the property
And we have some pine trees, still green amidst the cold winter season.
I can't wait to see how this land looks when spring time comes around. God is Good!
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